Sử liệu tiếng Anh

The birth of VietNam

University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles, California University of California Press, Ltd. London, England © 1983 by The Regents of the University of California Composition in Hong Kong by Asco Trade Typesetting Ltd. 

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The zheng he voyages a reassessment

There exists around the world today, or at least within Chinese societies,  a range of what one might call “popular” perceptions of the Ming eunuch admiral Zheng  He and the voyages he commanded in the early 15th century. These views are well represented by the extracts below:

Trade and Security Issues in sino-Vietnamese Relations 1802-1874

Vietnamese rulers since the tenth century endeavored to create a kingdom domain that has become the basis for modern Vietnam’s territorial claims. This expansion in the shadow of the northern giant, China, was in terms of politics, economics, culture and demographics. The political and economic centre of Vietnam had shifted with the kingdom’s consolidation, the expansion of territories and the dynasties’ fortunes. This dissertation covers a number of intriguing questions that arise from events related to Vietnam's history from1802 to1874. In this time span, issues of trade and Sino-Vietnamese relations compounded important elements in Vietnam’s national development.

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